
Downsample gbpTrees and VELOCIraptor trees using FFTW.


The easiest way to install and work with the code is using Spack. Once you have Spack installed:

spack env create -d . spack.yaml
spack env activate .

You can then build the code with the usual CMake commands:

cmake -S. -Bbuild
cmake --build build

If you don’t want to use Spack then the following libraries must be installed and the appropropriate flags passed to CMake so it can find them (typically CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=…).

  • HDF5 (with c++ and high-level libraries enabled)

  • FFTW3 (with openmp support)

  • fmt (compiled with c++11 standard)

  • Criterion


  regrider [OPTION...]

  -d, --dim arg           new grid dimension
  -g, --gbptrees arg      input gbpTrees grid file
  -v, --velociraptor arg  input VELOCIraptor grid file
  -o, --output arg        output file name
  -h, --help              show help

A utility script is also provided to downsample a directory of VELOCIraptor grids:

    ./ [OPTION...]

    -b <dir>    Bin directory of hdf5 (location of h5ls and h5copy)
    -s <dir>    Source directory containing VR grids
    -d <dir>    Destination directory to place VR grids (will be created if necessary)
    -n <int>    New grid dimension (n x n x n)

All options must be present.

Indices and tables